Human Media Laboratory 中央大学理工学部経営システム工学ヒューマンメディア工学研究室
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People have different impressions about things around them depending on their sensibilities. Therefore, it is difficult to tell exactly what kind of impressions others have on things right in front of their eyes. Because impressions are something vague, it’s not easy to explain the image in your mind by words.

Accordingly, our team is making a system that visualizes the vague impressions that are taken out from one’s head.

In addition, in order to provide innovative services in the future, we are doing researches that aim to effectively utilize impressions extracted from each people.

Our research makes it possible to establish a shop with the system which automatically proposes designs and products suitable for each customer and to create office environments where workers with different cultures and values can work together without feeling any walls among them.

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